To help you see yourself working with data, we’ve created a way for you to assess what programs you could consider joining. There are a lot of data-focused graduate programs and not all are created equally.
Data Graduate Programs in the U.S.
Data Graduate Programs in the U.S.
This map shows the number of institutions with data graduate programs in each state. Darker states have more institutions with data graduate programs. If you scroll over a state, you can see the number of institutions or schools with programs. If you click on a state you can see the list of schools with programs. However, because we relied on two different data sets that both have limited information, we can’t show enrollment numbers or institutional parity scores. If you want to learn more about a program, please visit the institution’s website.
U.S. Department of Education National Centers for Science and Engineering Statistics 2018 Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering (NCSES GSS, 2018).
Ryan Swanstrom PhD Comment end
White Men and Women Are Dominating
Data graduate students: white men and women are dominating
This bar chart shows students in data programs by institution type, Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
National Centers for Science and Engineering Statistics 2018 Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering (NCSES GSS, 2018).
There’s Much To Be Done To Get To Parity
This table compares Computer Science and Information Science faculty gender and race. Hover over each number to learn more.
Source: Monroe-White, T., Marshall, B. & Contreras-Palacios, H.. (2021). Waking up to Marginalization: Public Value Failures